Saturday, November 7, 2009

This House Believes that the state should intervene to uphold intra-party democracy

This was the topic on which we debated St. Thomas' College at the finals of the Lilian Nixon Challenge Shield Debating tournament, organised by Ladies' College. I shall not mention anything more about the finals, as I always love seeing the sunny side of things and the finals was anything but sunny for us. As the judges put it "the debate was not an epitome of the standard of debating seen throughout the tournament", and personally I feel we were to blame for that.

Now, coming to the sunny side, which is everything that happened before the finals. We started out by debating our own sister school, by proposing the topic "THW legalise polygamy", where we won the debate and also won the place of "male chauvinists". Following that, we debated against a weight restriction being imposed on models, and won against St. Joseph's College (B). The third debate was against St. Thomas' College where we opposed privatizing university education and lost.

The next day, at the quarter finals round, we managed to secure victory against Ananda College by banning parties with names that included religious or ethnic references. Then at the semi finals we beat Vishaka Vidyalaya and justified Obama winning the nobel peace prize! And then came the finals, and the big audience and the defeat, which is better left in the past. 

We would like to congratulate St. Thomas' College on their victory and also David, who won the best speaker award. But above all, we are grateful to the Debating Society of Ladies' College for organising such an awesome, fun-filled debating tournament! :)

1 comment:

  1. I dont think it's best left in the past....we learnt something valuable didnt we? and the whole experience was worth it.....and we made it to the finals!!
